The Construction Source America

R. A. Hiller Company | 9 Facility upgrades are being discussedwith- in the management team. These upgrades are focused on establishing the infrastructure to support the targeted growth. “The in-house processes aren’t likely to un- dergo significant changes”, Good said, “be- cause they’re so highly specified by oversight organizations like NUPIC and NAIC.” A drive to make products more user- friendly is a goal – making actuators lighter and changing some of their controls, for in- stance – but industry standards for main- tenance cycles, testing and standardization don’t leave a great deal of wiggle room for novelty. The rigidity in some places, however, doesn’t impede the overall optimism for the future. “I see a constant growth pattern,” Good said. “We struggled for the first couple years after being acquired by Rotork, but we got through those growing pains. The last two years have been growth each year and I see us, with some of the new potential products we’re coming up with, getting a bigger hold in the marketplace and I see our customers relying on us more for engineering capabili- ties. “Five years from now, we’re comfortably approaching our goal of doubling our rev- enue, we’ve done our expansion and we’re looking for more.”